Plucking the Low Hanging Fruit: A Weekend of Sierra FAs

Nate and I ventured up to the Whitney region last weekend. After gawking at the possibilities, we bagged two new routes: The Cleaver, Southeast Arete (II 5.7). First ascent Nate Ricklin and Scotty Nelson, July 11, 2008. Starts in the gully on the right hand side of the face. Climb 2 pitches of 4th and easy 5th on the right side and to the top of the white pillar. Climb 3 pitches up the pillar and the ridge, following cracks on the left side (up to 5.7).
Mt Russell, North Face (II 5.6). First ascent Nate Ricklin and Scotty Nelson, July 12, 2008. Apparently this is the first route on the North Face of Mt Russell proper. On the left hand side of the face locate a prominent right slanting crack and ramp system. Follow this for 3 pitches (4th and easy 5th) until it meets the first major crack system. Climb this crack system (up great rock) for 2 pitches of 5.6 to the summit ridge.