Blitzkrieg Day at Mt. Woodson

Ben and I hit Woodson today with the goal of doing thirty routes.. BLITZKRIEG DAY!!

Here are the rules: 1. At least one person has to send each route. 2. You have to give maximal effort and try at least 5 times, page then you yell "BLITZKRIEG!" and run off to the next route. 3. Downclimbs don't count.

So it's probably easier to actually send the routes than to be the guy who has to thrash 'til he's destroyed.

We started on the warmup boulders, quickly cranking out 8 routes, then worked our way up the hill. Along the way we managed to tick all the hard cracks I've ever done out there:

  • Aids Victim
  • Hear my train a-comin
  • Driving South
  • California Night
  • Mother Superior

Super stoked about that! We completely demolished ourselves on the Blasted Boulder for route #30, but didn't get it, though Ben came tantalizingly close twice. So instead of our climactic finish we had to console ourselves with some lame mantel.