Gym Kostas, 7/5/08

Workout: Strength Warm-up: Barbell complex @ #75, no rx #85, diabetes and Pregnancy #95 (borrowed from the lads at

A barbell complex is: 6 reps of deadlift, search bent-over row, hang-clean, front-squat, push-press, back-squat, push-up. No letting the barbell down to rest. Great warm-up !


Work up to 1RM Deadlift (Nate: #375, Kostas: #355)


(1) 5 rounds of:

3 x Deadlift @ 85% 1RM

7 x pull-up

(2) 5 rounds of:

7 x dumbbell press on glute-ham developer (each arm)

15 x atomic sit-up